September is National Preparedness Month

As with anything, over time, situations change. The plan that was right for you as a single 20 year old may not hold up as a 30 year old with a family.  In addition supplies or equipment may wear out or simply expire. It is important to look at this and September is a convenient time to do so. This is a great time for beginners and pros alike to re-evaluate your planning.

Take time to set down this month and review your plan. Look for updates based on family changes, location changes, or increased threat level. Review you supplies that may expire. Food, batteries, chem-lights, medications and fuel are just a few examples. Also, you need to reacquaint you entire family unit with the short and long term details of your plan. The passage of time dims details even for the youngest minds.

In the end having a plan if only a first step. Maintaining the items, relationships, knowledge, and fine details can take time. That is time well spent if it saves you and your loved ones from the perils of a disaster situation. My attitude is plan for the worst and hope for the best.




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